Best HIV Doctors in Goa - Expert PEP for HIV Treatment in Goa

Best HIV Doctors in Goa - Expert PEP for HIV Treatment in Goa

What is HIV?

HIV, or human immunodeficiency virus, is a serious viral infection that primarily affects the immune system. It weakens the body's ability to fight infections and diseases. The HIV spreads through contact with certain bodily fluids.

The virus is commonly spread through unprotected sex, sharing needles for drug use, and from an infected mother to her child during delivery or breastfeeding. HIV progresses in different stages, with the early stages often showing no noticeable symptoms. As the virus progresses, it can cause more severe symptoms and if not treated, it can turn into AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome).

"Timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment are important for managing HIV"


Up to 9 in 10 people who acquire HIV will have some symptoms soon after infection. This is known as SEROCONVERSION ILLNESS. It includes:

  • Fever
  • Rashes
  • Severe Headache
  • Feeling Sick
  • Body Aches and Pains
  • Tiredness
  • Mouth Ulcers
  • Sore Throat
  • Night Sweats
  • Weight Loss
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

Not everyone has these symptoms and they’re easily mistaken for flu or other common illnesses. If it’s not treated, HIV will eventually damage a person’s immune system until they start to develop serious illnesses or infections.


The golden chance to protect yourself from HIV infection is to start PEP therapy within 72 hours of possible exposure under the guidance of an HIV specialist. PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis) is the systemic treatment therapy for patients exposed to HIV within 72 hours of possible exposure. The word prophylaxis means to prevent or protect. So this treatment is subjected to prevention from becoming HIV positive.

PEP includes:


First aid care,

Set of minimum 4 drugs for 28-30nd days.

Types of PEP:

There are two types of PEP treatment- OPEP and NPEP.

OPEP- occupational post-exposure prophylaxis. It is when health care employee takes PEP therapy because of possible exposure to HIV while working.

NPEP- non-occupational post-exposure prophylaxis. It is when a person takes PEP because of possible exposure to HIV irrespective of his work.

Follow-up testing for HIV at 6 weeks, 12 weeks, and 24 weeks.

Timely appropriate intervention with PEP can avert systemic infection.

If you think you were exposed to HIV, contact the HIV specialist right away.

Who can use PEP?

PEP is for people who may have been exposed to HIV in the last 3 days. PEP might be right for you if:

You had sex with someone who may have HIV and didn’t use a condom, or the condom broke

You were sexually assaulted

You shared needles or works (like cotton, cookers, or water) with someone who may have HIV

If you were exposed to HIV in the last 3 days and want PEP, see a nurse or doctor or go to the emergency room immediately. Timing is really important. You must start PEP as soon as you can after being exposed to HIV for it to work.

PEP is for emergencies. It can’t take the place of proven, ongoing ways to prevent HIV — like using condoms, taking PrEP (a daily pill that lowers your chances of getting HIV), and not sharing needles or works. If you know you may be exposed to HIV often (like if you have a sexual partner or partners who may be HIV-positive), talk to your nurse or doctor about PrEP.

If you’re a healthcare worker and think you may have been exposed to HIV at work, go to your doctor or the emergency room right away.

Best PEP for HIV Treatment Specialist in Goa

People can get the best PEP for HIV treatment at Goa under the guidance of Dr. Yuvraj Arora of the renowned PEP Treatment Clinic. Dr. Monga not only provides medicine but is also known for his excellent consultation and guidance. People who suspect that they may have been exposed to HIV infection can count on the doctor's real-time and result-oriented service.

The doctor will prescribe PEP to the person within 72 hours of exposure. Well, this will save the person from getting infected with HIV. This means that if a person gets the appropriate medication within 72 hours, he or she can avoid becoming infected with life-threatening HIV.

This famous doctor Chirag is offering PEP for HIV treatment in Goa. Dr. Yuvraj Arora is always available at the popular Monga Clinic. The doctor will tell you what PEP treatment is. Patients are given a set of anti-viral medicines for 28-30 consecutive days. The doctor continues to make necessary assessments throughout the entire medication process. PEP treatment includes counseling, necessary first medical care, and a set of 4 medications that continue for 28 to 30 days. Research says this treatment is available with a 98% success rate.

If you feel that you are also at risk of getting infected with HIV, you should not hesitate to contact Dr. Yuvraj Arora, the best doctor for PEP for HIV treatment in Goa. Or you can visit our site or call us directly- +91- 8010977000


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