What is Sperm Agglutination?

What is Sperm Agglutination? Understanding Sperm Agglutination Sperm agglutination refers to a condition where sperm cells clump together instead of being separate. This phenomenon can affect male fertility and the ability to conceive naturally. Agglutinated sperm might have difficulty reaching and fertilizing the egg, leading to challenges in achieving pregnancy. Symptoms of Sperm Agglutination Common symptoms of sperm agglutination may include: Abnormal Semen Characteristics Visible clumping of sperm cells in semen. Altered semen consistency, appearing thicker than usual. Fertility Issues Difficulty conceiving despite regular unprotected intercourse. Unexplained infertility or repeated failed attempts at pregnancy. Treatment Options for Sperm Agglutination Ayurvedic Treatment for Sperm Agglutination Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to address sperm agglutination and improve fertility. Tailor-made ayurvedic medicines are prescribed based on individual cases, targeting the root caus...