Diabetes: Ayurvedic Treatment In Delhi

Ayurvedic Treatment In Delhi Diabetes: Ayurvedic Treatment In Delhi Diabetes is a debilitating disease and one of the most common chronic diseases in the world. Fortunately, Ayurvedic remedies from India are effective in managing type-2 diabetes as well as other related complications. What is diabetes? There are two types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2. In type 1 diabetes the body does not produce insulin, while in type 2 diabetes the body does not use insulin properly. Ayurveda, India's ancient medical system, offers a holistic approach to the treatment of both types of diabetes. Maintaining a balance between mind, body and soul in Ayurveda leads to good health. This is done through a healthy diet, exercise and meditation. Treatment for diabetes focuses on reducing excess sugar in the blood and increasing insulin sensitivity. Herbs such as fenugreek, ginger and turmeric are often used in Ayurvedic treatment of diabetes. Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes There are some signs and sympt...